Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Directed by: Paul Feig
Starring: Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, John Hamm
Rated: R
Review by: *Sherri*

I love Kristen Wiig. She has got to be one of the funniest ladies on the planet. She is so good at physical comedy, AND she really plays her parts well! She and Maya Rudolph play best friends. When Lillian (Rudolph) gets engaged, things change, and Annie (Wiig) has to find out who she is, and how to deal with the challenges. This is one of the most hilarious films I have ever seen, but also with a rather adorable plot. Guys...DON'T FEAR, this isn't just for the chicks...Nate was rolling the entire time! There are some great one-liners that we are still saying to each other. This is one I definitely need to see again...MINUS the bodily noises coming from the weirdo next to me. (No...not Nate.)

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