Saturday, May 7, 2011

Certified Copy...or Copie conforme

Directed by: Abbas Kiarostami
Starring: Juliette Binoche, William Shimell
Rated: Unrated
French, Italian and English with Subtitles
Review by: Sherri

Ok. I LOVE Juliette Binoche! She is so captivating in every film that she is in, from Chocolat, to Cache'...Even Dan in Real Life. She is one of my favorite actresses. Her co-star in this film William Shimell, was brilliant as well. The two had a chemistry together.

I will try not to spoil the film, but it did remind me a lot of Before Sunrise. Nate agreed, but we both still loved this film. The entire movie consists of is this amazing, non-stop dialogue. It held my interest the entire time. It was actually...a roller coaster of emotion and thought, and come to find out after some research, that is exactly what the director, Abbas Kiarostami intended. The film is in 3 languages, Italian, French and English, with the foreign parts sub-titled in english.

When you see this film (because you should), keep in mind that the director intended for there to be many questions!!

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