Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Tree of Life

Directed by: Terrence Malick
Starring: Jessica Chastain, Brad Pitt, Sean Penn
Rated: PG-13
Review by: Sherri

This film was spectacular. I loved every minute of it. It wasn't really what I expected it to be, but it was beautiful, and stunning...a real work of art.

The background story is about a 1950s family living in Waco, TX. The film centers around the ralationships of the children, mostly the oldest child, and their parents. Brad Pitt, the father is loving, but rough, and strict. The mother, Jessica Chastain is gentle, nurturing and beautiful. The personalities of the parents lay out the theme of the whole film. Malick directed it to be all about relationships, humanity and nature, gentleness and ferocity. The story continues to show the oldest child as an adult, who is played by Sean Penn, remembering his childhood, and reflecting on his life.

This is not your typical movie. There are still elements and messages within it that I am trying to wrap my mind around, so I will definitely need to see it again. Malick is famous for his cinematography in his films, and it is amazing in this one. In the beginning, he created a mood, and an emotion for the whole film, with a chain of breathtaking nature shots. (Nate quickly ruined the mood for everyone in the theater by spilling his ENTIRE coke on the floor...hahahaha!!!)

If you haven't yet, you should check out some of his other films. Badlands, and my favorite of his until The Tree of Life, The new World.

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