Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Town

Directed by:Ben Affleck
Starring: Ben Affleck, John Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Rebecca Hall, Blake Lively
Rated R
Review by: Sherri

This movie was co-written, and directed by none other than Ben Affleck. It is based on the novel "Prince of Thieves" by Chuck Hogan. It takes Place in Boston and is about a group of bank robbers. All I can say is wow, the acting in this movie is spectacular! Ben Affleck himself is great. I have has some issues with his acting in the past, like in Good Will Hunting, but he has really impressed me with this one. Rebecca Hall, who I first saw in
Please Give, was great too. Jeremy Renner was just.....insane, his character shows resemblences to his character in The Hurt Locker. Jon Hamm,(my favorite Mad Men character!) plays the FBI agent who is trying to catch these crazy thieves. All in all I really liked this movie, it is one I would definitely recommend, and see again.

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