Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Easy A

Rated: PG13
Starring: Emma Stone, Amanda Bynes, etc.
Review by: Sherri
This movie is the story of a good highschool girl, who uses a rumor that isn't true, to advance socially. Ok. I don't have much to say about this film. I am typically not really a "Chick-Flick" kinda girl, but I do occasionally like a good one. This, was simply NOT a good one. The acting (excluding Emma Stone) was so-so, and the plot was just annoying. Despite the fact that I simply did not enjoy this movie, it did get a suprising 86% on Rotten Tomatoes. Some critics are saying it is a combination between Clueless and Mean Girls, (both of which I LOVED) but I don't see it. Amanda Bynes was a great "mean girl" and Emma Stone did a pretty good job despite the fact that her character was boring; She did shine through in a couple of funny moments.

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